Thursday, July 28, 2011

First IVIG ~ DONE!

I had my first IVIG yesterday and let me tell you, I was super nervous. We drove to Chicago on Tuesday evening and stayed the night. My appt. was for 9:00 on Wednesday and the hotel we stayed in this time was less than 5 minutes away, so it was perfect. I didn't sleep well because I was thinking about the IVIG. Would it make me sick, would I have a reaction? (I had a reaction when I had a blood transfusion years ago and it was REALLY bad). They told me when I got there that I might have a headache and that a lot of people do, so I expected that.
I might have had a little headache while I was getting it, but other than that, NOTHING!! I was thrilled. (Of course then later, part of me thought, was it bad that I didn't have any effects? I just need to slap myself!)
I was tired for the rest of the day and I'm tired today, but I'm not sure if that is from the IVIG or the lack of sleep/car ride.
For those wondering what happens during IVIG, it is simple. They take your blood pressure, temp and check your pulse. Then, they hook up the IV, mine went in my hand, and you're good to go. They have really comfy chairs to sit in and they make you drink water, which helps so you don't get a headache. You can eat, read, do whatever you want really while getting the IVIG. They recommended bringing a blanket because it feels kind of cool while going in and many people get cold. (Their office is pretty cold too). I didn't need one, even though I brought it, but others I know have needed it. They also recommend a book or a DVD player, because you are sitting there for 2 hours. I brought magazines, but they have some there in case you don't. The time went by very quickly. Whew! SO happy that it went well.
I went in for an ultrasound afterward and my blood flow is better. It was a .63 last time (they like to see it below .6), so I am taking Lovenox, and now it is at a .5. Yay! She told me that it is important for me to come again after I get pregnant, because at that time, it should be a .45 or lower and they may have to adjust medication. She said if you don't, it's like having a plant and not watering it.

Oh my, I know this is a long post! My doctor decided to continue meds so I have more follicles! Yay! Still not a lot, but about 6. Better! I am feeling good right now. (Well my boobs are SUPER sore and I feel full, but other than that, I feel good.) I think trigger will be tonight and transfer on Saturday, but I might have one more day of stims. I'll find out later.

:) Andrea


Heather said...

I'm glad your appointment went well! I can't wait to here how the transfer goes!

Andrea said...

Thanks! I am excited! :)

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