Friday, February 4, 2011

Boo to insurance companies!

I got the letter today that my insurance company will not pay for IVIG. I'm a little bummed even though I totally expected it. So now I appeal.
In other news, I had a sonogram to see if I healed from my procedure in December. They said everything looked good down there (Gee thanks!) so hopefully that means we can try again with my next cycle. I have to wait for the doctor to call me next week.
So I admit it, I stalk other blogs. Some of these teaching blogs are nuts! How do the teachers find the time to do all of these really cool crafts and activities, post them DAILY and take care of a family? They amaze me! This has nothing to do with that, but I did use my crock pot for the first time the other day. The roast was SO good! The only problem is that I can't use it when I'm not at home. I have this fear that the house will burn down. I know it won't and people do it every day, but I just can't do it.
Other good news - the pink eye is gone, my throat is feeling better after taking the antibiotics and I had two snow days this week! I'm looking forward to the weekend. Go Packers!



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