Thursday, December 16, 2010

So this is taking longer than I thought!

I thought I'd be feeling great by now, but not at all! I am so sore and crampy and Motrin isn't really doing it for me! It's been really hard for me to just sit here, but that's what I really need to do. The more I try to do, the worse I feel. I went into work today for 1/2 day and even that was difficult. I have one more day to work and then I'm off for 2 weeks! I can do it!! Tomorrow, we are going to have a take it easy day in first grade. I'll let you know how that works out with 21 super-excited first graders. At least their parents will be there in the afternoon to help with the party! I get the balloon catheter taken out next Tuesday, so I just have to deal with it until then. I can deal with anything if it will get me one step closer to where I want to be. I've been thinking about it and I am a little surprised that no one saw this problem with my uterus before. After having laparoscopy twice, you'd think it would've been noticed. I'm not complaining about my doctor, just thinking out loud.
Since I haven't been at work, I missed the cookie exchange. Lucky me, I have great coworkers and they packaged up cookies for me! (Remember, I'm forgetting about this low-carb thing until after the new year.) I'm loving this. I have so many to choose from. I take a bite and if I like it I take another. If I don't, that's okay. I could totally do this for a living - be a cookie taster. How fun! :)


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